IAPMIGAS is Indonesian Oil & Gas Pipeliner Association, it is an independent non-profit professional association.
IAPMIGAS established in Jakarta, 10 June 2008 and inaugurated by Dr. Ir. Luluk Sumiarso, M.Sc, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources,
This association's vision is to unite all of the industry player in oil and gas sector, expert and professional to support oil and gas infrastructure so Indonesia to energy independet, and able to communicate with global economy and contend with global technology.
IAPMIGAS members are national oil and gas key player, either an upstream or downstream sector. This association acted as a forum for all members, industry player, and other organisation, to build an active communication in exchanging thought, suggestions, news, sharing knowledge & standard developments applicable in the oil and gas industry. The association also facilitates dialogue and communication between industry and government in creating policies and regulations that support safe operation and investment of natural gas infrastructure in Indonesia.
Vision and Mission
We support the development of oil and gas infrastructure so that Indonesia can be energy independent, able to interact with the world economy and compete with global technology.
- To collect domestic code and standards (SNI), regulations and from international institutions related to oil and gas infrastructure
- Issuing Code & Standard Handbook related to piping, CNG, LNG and other gas transportation models
- Providing inputs and suggestions and proposals to relevant institutions on gas transportation regulations, CBM management, CNG and LNG and the integration between these regulations to support the national energy policy
- Develop competencies with respect to the latest technological information by organizing workshops, seminars, short training for members. For example HSE Management System / K3PL Management System, Pipeline Integrity & Maintenance, Facility Integrity Management System, etc.
- Maintain a strong and active membership base
- Increase public and government awareness of infrastructure for oil and gas industry, especially natural gas
- Produce appropriate policies and regulations to encourage efficient and effective operations and investments in transmission pipeline infrastructure and other modes of transport
- Helping industry to maintain its superiority in environmental management, health and safety
- Assist the gas infrastructure industry in developing operations and maintenance in accordance with the industry's basic expertise
- Keeping the association financially viable
- Helping the oil and gas industry to prepare itself in the face of changing national and world economic conditions
- Produce an appropriate and sustainable climate change policy
Organization Structure

IAPMIGAS Committee
Chairman : Directorate General Oil & Gas, Republic of Indonesia
1. IGN Wiratmaja Puja
2. Gunung Sardjono Hadi
3. Hendra Jaya
4. Michael Baskoro
Chairman: Achmad Muchtasyar
Vice Chairman: Achmad Herry,
Secretary General: Gamal Imam Santoso, PT Pertamina Gas
Secretary: Nadia Fithri, IEEC
Treasurer: Antika R. Kartasasmita, PT Transportasi Gas Indonesia
Deputy Treasurer : Anis Syamila, IEEC
Code & Standard Committee
Chairman : Didie B. Tedjosumirat, PT Bureau Veritas Indonesia
Members :
1. Achmad Zakky Ridwan, PT Inovasi Teknik Utama
2. Asep H. Saputra, Universitas Indonesia
3. Tri Agusman, PT PHE ONWJ
4. Joko Triyono, PT Pertamina Gas
Stakeholder Committee
Chairman : Members :
1. Arief T. Kushermawan, Medco E&P Natuna Ltd
2. Ivan Irawan, PT Transportasi Gas Indonesia
3. Zainal Arifin, BPSDM ESDM
Competence Development and Technology Committee
Chairman : Bambang N. Gyat, PT JFE Engineering Indonesia
Members :
1. Raka Haryo Indro, PT PGN Tbk
2. Sumarlanto, BPSDM ESDM
Public Relations Committee
Chairman : R. Atok Hendrayanto, PT Bakrie Pipe Industries
Members :
1. Gadang Marpaung, ConocoPhillips
2. Zainal Abidin, PT Pertamina Gas