11 February 2020, JS Luwansa Hotel, Jakarta
Welcome Speech
Achmad Herry, Vice Chairman IAPMIGAS
Keynote Speaker
Alimuddin Baso, Director of Planning and Development of Oil and Gas Infrastructure, Directorate General Oil & Gas.
Panel Discussion
Moderator : Bambang Gyat, Head of Competence & Technology Development Committee, IAPMIGAS
Panelist Speakers:
1. Wijayanto, Head of Sub Directorate of Downstream Oil and Gas Safety
2.Teddy Selvan, Business Manager BL-High Performance Polymers & BL-Silanes, PT EVONIK Indonesia
3. Muhajir, Technical Manager, PT. Wahana Duta Jaya Rucika (Wavin)
4. Bayu Kusumanto, Specialist Pipeline & Piping Engineering, Center of Technical Exellence (COTE) Division, PT PGN Tbk
5. Faried Iskandar, Operation Director, PT. Energasindo Heksa Karya
6. Alwi Rois, Project Manager, PT. Kinarya Gemilang Adhitama
Discussion Conclusion by Moderator